Minggu, 23 September 2012

HWC team still Survive 19 Hours

Posted by Hai On 12.31 | 1 comment

Bandung, now squad HWC (Homeless World Cup) 2012 still survive and be able to compete after 19 hours playing football in his Nazar event. Already 56 teams have felt the power of HWC national team until now.

From the start of the event, Saturday 22 September 2012 at 17:00. Eight players and coaches managers also participated in this event, they play alternately to fulfill his vow. only a few more hours until the show is officially closed.

Tim HWC 2012 for Mexico City is made ​​up of a selection "League Of Change", which was held a few months ago with the same place, namely in the field under the Flyover Pulosari Pasupati Bandung with specific terms and conditions that may represent the event Homeless World Cup 2012 in Mexico City later ..

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Rumah Cemara Fulfilling his vow

Posted by Hai On 18.12 | No comments

Today the Rumah Cemara held event "Football 24 Hours" in the field under the Flyover Pulosari Pasupati Bandung. An event was enlivened by a core player HWC (Homeless World Cup) 2012 in Mexico later.
A comforting news for the Rumah Cemara, as this is a vow. Previously, When the funds collected over 80% of the needs of the Rumah Cemara will hold 24 hours of football, but even though the funds collected less than 80% they will still do the event with a record time for a reduced portion.
At this time the funds collected are quite astonishing, namely 325 Million of the total 300 million rupees. Of the total funds, as much as 83 million rupiah from the Society by Movement Rp1000 to 1. This movement was formed to raise money for the team departure HWC 2012 in Mexico City October.


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