Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

TEMPO.CO, Dallas - Intention Elizabeth Escalona to discipline her daughter 2-year-old to pee in the toilet disastrous. Because, not only by punching and kicking her, she glued his hand on the wall.
In front of a judge, a woman from Dallas, Texas, admitted his actions were wrong. she was dealing with a 45-year sentence for child molestation.
Police say 23-year mother lost patience and attacked Jocelyn Cedillo, his daughter, in September 2011. Police records show that other children Escalona told authorities how she was repeatedly kicked in the stomach Jocelyn and hit him with a bottle.
Other children said Escalona Escalona then placed his hand Jocelyn superglue to glue to the wall.
Doctors at Children's Medical Center said Jocelyn bruised after a beating. Jocelyn was in a coma for two days after the incident and spent a week in hospital.
Escalona children are now maintained by the state. Women are also prohibited from approaching children.
Melanie Davis, Escalona psychological consultant, said the long-term goal of this woman is back with her children. "He believes she can turn out to be a good mother," she said.

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Local elections in Brazil threatened less popular than Miss Bum Bum Contest, a national online contest to determine the woman with the most adorable butt.

The young women representing 26 states and the federal district of Brasilia competing to reach the grand finale to be held in Sao Paulo on November 30.

Traditionally, the buttocks is the body that has a significant meaning in the culture of Brazil, as the popularity of butt dance among young people.

"I think a tropical climate, carnival, and all this race mixing Brazilian woman gives a unique biological mixture on the planet," said pageant coordinator Cacau Oliver told AFP.

"The back of the body of Brazilian women are the most admired by the whole world, and this contest confirms this fact," he said.

Contestants are required to register on the site and send in three photos www.missbumbumbrasil.com. The committee then selected 15 finalists.

The winner will receive 5000 reais, or USD 23.5 million, the second winner gets 3000 reais, or USD 14.1 million, and third place gets 2000 reais, or USD 9.4 million. Last year, the model Rosana Ferreira win the first title.

The contest is held in conjunction with simultaneous local elections on Sunday, and the second round will be conducted on October 28.

Minggu, 23 September 2012

HWC team still Survive 19 Hours

Posted by Hai On 12.31 | 1 comment

Bandung, now squad HWC (Homeless World Cup) 2012 still survive and be able to compete after 19 hours playing football in his Nazar event. Already 56 teams have felt the power of HWC national team until now.

From the start of the event, Saturday 22 September 2012 at 17:00. Eight players and coaches managers also participated in this event, they play alternately to fulfill his vow. only a few more hours until the show is officially closed.

Tim HWC 2012 for Mexico City is made ​​up of a selection "League Of Change", which was held a few months ago with the same place, namely in the field under the Flyover Pulosari Pasupati Bandung with specific terms and conditions that may represent the event Homeless World Cup 2012 in Mexico City later ..

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Rumah Cemara Fulfilling his vow

Posted by Hai On 18.12 | No comments

Today the Rumah Cemara held event "Football 24 Hours" in the field under the Flyover Pulosari Pasupati Bandung. An event was enlivened by a core player HWC (Homeless World Cup) 2012 in Mexico later.
A comforting news for the Rumah Cemara, as this is a vow. Previously, When the funds collected over 80% of the needs of the Rumah Cemara will hold 24 hours of football, but even though the funds collected less than 80% they will still do the event with a record time for a reduced portion.
At this time the funds collected are quite astonishing, namely 325 Million of the total 300 million rupees. Of the total funds, as much as 83 million rupiah from the Society by Movement Rp1000 to 1. This movement was formed to raise money for the team departure HWC 2012 in Mexico City October.

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Supermarket mania 2

Posted by Hai On 21.49 | No comments

- Run the great supermarket chain in the sequel exciting Time Management.
- Open a shop in the town center, on the sunny beaches, and over 80 fast rate.
- Stock shelves, make milkshakes, coffee drinks, baked croissants, and more.
- Hire assistants to help, and purchase over 200 equipment and décor upgrades.
- Deliver the goods in shoplifters environment, fighting, and serve impatient celebrities.

Game Description
Manage the ins and outs of their own grocery store chain in Supermarket Mania ® 2, the sequel to the long-awaited hit game.


Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Jiwa - Jiwa Yang Tersesat : Kisah Rumah Boneka

Review: Find clues, solve puzzles, and open new areas while visiting spooky locations, play mini-games and locate hidden objects! Lost Souls: The Story Doll House is more than just a game: it is a thrilling exploration of the heart!


Patch / Crack
Pass Patch : isaiyee

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

System requirements:
Operating System: Microsoft - Windows 7 / Vista / XP
Processor: Pentium 4 3 GHz or dual core from Intel 2 GHz or AMD64X2 (or better)
Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista
Video: At least 128 MB VRAM compatible with DirectX 9.0 and the technology to support Pixel Shader 2.0b (ATI Radeon X800 or better / NVIDIA GeForce 7600 or better / Intel HD Graphics 2000 or better).
Sound device: compatible with DirectX - 9.0c
Hard disk: 3 GB

Download Link :
Part 1 Size: 476.84 MB
Part 2 Size: 476.84 MB
Part 3 Size: 476.84 MB
Part 4 Size: 442.11 MB

How To Install

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Celestia Luna Offline

Posted by Hai On 11.31 | 8 comments

Anyone ever maen celestial Luna Online? check here celestialuna.com
there's where the game online, but here, i give this game its offline version celestial Luna. The game exactly the same as those online, but the only difference is Offline version and the server and the client.
hheu, tolerable than alternating each day for the cafe to play this game, better one time to the cafe then download the game at the same time ... hheu

There are 11 download Part for this game, "link tested", if there is an error, please just download Mirror from indowebster.web.id

Oiya, its installation tutorial, so if you have questions, leave comment ...


http://www.mediafire.com/?4wltr3zmy3f PART 1
http://www.mediafire.com/?izmjvze1tvm PART 2
http://www.mediafire.com/?zbz21z1x4z0# PART 3
http://www.mediafire.com/?yvfmbwlk1wh PART 4
http://www.mediafire.com/?z3zyiyz9t3f PART 5
http://www.mediafire.com/?ymttztnhd1g PART 6
http://www.mediafire.com/?jgnuw2zyw2w PART 7
http://www.mediafire.com/?rlntxazbz32 PART 8
http://www.mediafire.com/?3gj4jcywwmt PART 9
http://www.mediafire.com/?lw43tgmmhni PART 10
http://www.mediafire.com/?npczj3wdvtj PART 11


Updated link:


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