TEMPO.CO, Dallas - Intention Elizabeth Escalona to discipline her daughter 2-year-old to pee in the toilet disastrous. Because, not only by punching and kicking her, she glued his hand on the wall.
In front of a judge, a woman from Dallas, Texas, admitted his actions were wrong. she was dealing with a 45-year sentence for child molestation.
Police say 23-year mother lost patience and attacked Jocelyn Cedillo, his daughter, in September 2011. Police records show that other children Escalona told authorities how she was repeatedly kicked in the stomach Jocelyn and hit him with a bottle.
Other children said Escalona Escalona then placed his hand Jocelyn superglue to glue to the wall.
Doctors at Children's Medical Center said Jocelyn bruised after a beating. Jocelyn was in a coma for two days after the incident and spent a week in hospital.
Escalona children are now maintained by the state. Women are also prohibited from approaching children.
Melanie Davis, Escalona psychological consultant, said the long-term goal of this woman is back with her children. "He believes she can turn out to be a good mother," she said.
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